YAPC::Europe in Paris (ir)?regular newsletter, issue 3

BooK on 2003-04-23T13:37:19


This is a short note about the YAPC::Europe web site.

It looks like the pre-registration process is a nice success, since we've had about 100 registrations (98 at the time I write this) since the site opened. Well, please continue :-)

We hope things will be as quick when the payment part will be online. ;-)

Since the web site opened, we've added a few enhancements:

  • there is a small icon on the search page to indicate the users who have posted a photo,
  • you can now add your perlmonks id (if you have one),
  • there's a favicon.ico file as well (the cash register, how appropriate),
  • and for the number freaks, there's also a statistics page. That should encourage you to input your monger group and your country and city.
  • if you feel that we've forgotten things that should be in the who's who, please let us know at yapc-help(at)mongueurs.net

If you already registered or have a mind to come, please take some time to browse the whole website. It holds as much relevant information as we could think about, information that could make the difference during your stay in Paris. We would particularly like to point you towards this page regarding (group) accomodation.

Please note that if your T-shirt size is not 'L', you should make sure you've updated your personal data with the correct size . The default used to be 'L', but from now on it's empty by default (so we can find out who didn't fill that part of the form, and ask for an answer).

Another comment: funny photos are fun indeed, but since we plan to add a printed who's who in the proceedings (maybe), you should make sure people will recognize you (I'm talking to the kangaroo and the "hostage" here, but not only...) after the conference.

Next week, we should have something ready for the talks, and maybe also for online payment. Speaking of talks, we've 29 talks by 18 authors in our database at the moment. That's not enough, so keep them coming!

But I'll wear the bag!

Beatnik on 2003-04-23T23:39:45

What if I wear that bag on my head all the time? Can I?? Can I??

Re:But I'll wear the bag!

properler_head on 2003-04-24T22:36:02

Untel inside. # instranslatable joke