CPANPLUS in a box

BinGOs on 2009-01-09T11:04:25

For a while now CPANPLUS has shipped with a very cool feature called cpanp-boxed

cpanp-boxed will let an individual use CPANPLUS from it's distribution directory without having to install it or to use CPANPLUS to boot-strap install itself and it's dependencies.

I think this is rather groovey

$ wget

$ tar zxf CPANPLUS-0.84.tar.gz && rm CPANPLUS-0.84.tar.gz && cd CPANPLUS-0.84/

$ perl bin/cpanp-boxed

CPANPLUS::Shell::Default -- CPAN exploration and module installation (v0.84)
*** Please report bugs to .
*** Using CPANPLUS::Backend v0.84.  ReadLine support disabled.

*** Type 'p' now to show start up log

Did you know...
    Many operations take options, like '--verbose', '--force' or '--skiptest'
CPAN Terminal> s conf cpantest 1; s conf email

CPAN Terminal> i YAML::Tiny; i Test::Reporter; s selfupdate dependencies; i CPANPLUS

And there you have it, cpanp-boxed will boot-strap install all it's dependencies and itself and submit CPAN Test reports as it goes along.

Of course, you can just use cpanp-boxed as is to install any module you want without having to install it.