The mail exchanger hates me

BinGOs on 2008-10-14T22:30:17

Subject pretty much says it all. My MX and the MX have had a falling out. Now all I get is this:

[canker:~]$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
451 Sorry, too many connections from , try again later
Connection closed by foreign host.

Can't find anyone to fix it. Too tired to wait around for it to fix itself.

So the smokers have had their plugs pulled.

Bulk MTA

barbie on 2008-10-14T22:51:26

Are you able to set up a local delivery from all your smokers, and have that local MTA send mail in bulk down a single connection to the MTA?

Re:Bulk MTA

BinGOs on 2008-10-15T05:35:51

This is pretty much what I have using POE::Component::Server::SimpleSMTP, to try and avoid this kind of situation in the first place.

It is still saying I have too many connections ( this is after I have been to sleep for 5 hours ). And I don't.

Re:Bulk MTA

barbie on 2008-10-15T07:05:31

In that case, it's possible that the MTA server has suffered a DDoS, such that the connections are not being freed. Hopefully Robert or Ask will be able to look into it soon.