There is a new CPAN Smoke Tester in town

BinGOs on 2008-07-18T10:58:54

I uploaded CPANPLUS::YACSmoke recently, along with POE::Component::CPANPLUS::YACSmoke, to CPAN.

So what is the fuss and how is it so different from CPAN::YACSmoke ?

Well, it is a port/reimplementation of CPAN::YACSmoke to use a CPANPLUS::Dist distribution class called CPANPLUS::Dist::YACSmoke. This backend deals with all the stuff that CPAN::YACSmoke used to deal with, such as munging test reports, deciding whether to send reports if we have sent them already, etc, etc.

And it also handles checking whether we have reported a PASS grade already for a prereq and if so it skips running the test-suite for that prereq again.

This functionality has been in for a little while, and I felt it should be easy to implement with CPANPLUS.

That said, I did have lots of advice and patience from Jos Boumans to assist me. Cheers!

Seems good in initial testing. I'm starting to migrate my smokers over to using it and so far the speed of smoke testing has increased considerably.
