No more email delivery of cpan-testers

BinGOs on 2008-02-11T19:14:49

DrHyde pointed out on #cpantesters-discuss channel that there has been an announcement by Robert Spiers regarding the cpan-testers mailing list.

For those who receive their recent uploads notifications via email, this may be a PITA.

Some alternative mechanisms already exist:

Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

I'm not at all surprised...

Alias on 2008-02-11T20:25:22

I've been saying for how long now that email is a stupid idea?

Re:I'm not at all surprised...

dagolden on 2008-02-11T21:06:37

For clarity, it's not being stopped because email is a stupid idea -- though we all agree that it is -- but because the 3000 or so inbound reports a day then lead to a cascade of hundreds of thousands of outbound messages -- most of which people just filter to oblivion anyway. It's clogging the mail servers.

Email is still being used to deliver test reports, just the outbound messages are supressed. And, yes, we hope to move away from email submission "real soon now".


Re:I'm not at all surprised...

Alias on 2008-02-11T23:22:51

"it's not being stopped because email is a stupid idea -- though we all agree that it is -- but because the 3000 or so inbound reports a day then lead to a cascade of hundreds of thousands of outbound messages"

That's merely one of the reason WHY it's such a terrible transport.

It scales horribly and has terrible failure modes.