Dearest, darling, CPAN author......

BinGOs on 2008-01-08T16:22:12

I need to get some things off my chest that I have observed during CPAN smoke testing:

WHY OH WHY?! do you insist on writing your own prompting mechanisms in your Makefile.PL? ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Install and even Module::Build have a prompt function/method. Please use it. Either that or check whether AUTOMATED_TESTING and/or PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT environment variables are set and provide default values accordingly.

Does everyone who tests or installs your module really, really have to install Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage just to run your testsuite? Does anyone else, but you really care? Please learn to skip.

And finally, please, please, please don't try and install modules from your Makefile.PL using the CPAN API. I don't test using CPAN and I don't want your favourite module installed in my smoke testing perl, thank you very much. Oh and you are assuming that I have configured CPAN in the first place. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Love BinGOs

Got the TShirt

barbie on 2008-01-08T17:04:19

I have felt your pain ... and more. In fact I have a whole talk about it :)

Re:Got the TShirt

mw487 on 2008-01-08T17:30:27

Are the slides from your talk, or an mp3, available on the web? Can you provide a url?


Re:Got the TShirt

barbie on 2008-01-08T22:41:37

See "Preparing For CPAN". Some of the slides need updating, and there is some additional information that needs an airing, but it gives several pointers to some of the problems encountered.

Now That's Quality!

chromatic on 2008-01-08T18:01:07

Does everyone who tests or installs your module really, really have to install Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage just to run your testsuite?

Sure, that's how you know we're serious about gaining two points in a meaningless benchmark designed to improve the quality of the CPAN!

Test::Pod is meant for CPAN Testers

Alias on 2008-01-08T22:40:55

I don't know about anyone else, but CPAN Testers is the ONLY place I run Test::Pod other than my own machine. It's caught several bugs relating to chances in Test::Simple.