Hits from the smoke box

BinGOs on 2007-07-06T11:57:00

So, I went and bought a bigger hard disk for my Acer laptop. And I spotted a USB external hard disk enclosure whilst I was in the shop, and thought "Hey, that would be handy", so I bought it.

I got it home, put the new disk in it and tried it out. And it didn't work. Back to the shop with it and the guy in the shop tries it and it works. I then spot that he is using both the USB data cable and the USB power cable. And I mention that I was only using the data cable, and he gives me this look and says "Yeah, you do need both cables or it won't work". Well, in my defense, the manual suggested that the power cable was optional. sigh

So, I eventually got my external drive working and I have freed up some space on my laptop, so I can create some more virtual machines.

I have added Slackware 12 and FreeBSD 6.2 virtual machines which have been configured to smoke against perl-5.8.8

I've also added a NetBSD 3.1 virtual machine specifically for smoking pugs

I have taken one of my Linux automated smoke boxes offline as well. This was i686-linux-thread-multi-64int-ld 2.4.26. Reason? Well, the server crashed and I couldn't be bothered to start the process up again. The Slackware 12 install mentioned above will be replacing this anyways.