Just because I haven't posted here for a while doesn't mean that I have been idle. So I thought I'd summarise some stuff I've been doing recently.
- Used DBD::ADO, Win32::OLE and Text::CSV to search through and replace settings on a large number of mailboxes in Microsoft Exchange.
- Win32::NetAdmin to rescue when I wanted to find all the servers in a number of Windows NT domains.
- Had to fix the kwalitee on two of my CPAN modules.
- Finally switched POE::Component::IRC Makefile.PL to using full Module::Install syntax after discovering tests() and clean_files(). Hooray!
- Quakenet enhancements to POE::Component::IRC.
- Finally sorted out all my modules to use Module::Install syntax.
- Lot's and lot's of CPAN smoke testing.
- Rewriting my CPAN testing framework to use NNTP instead of RSS, as www.nntp.perl.org is still offline =(
I might have forgotten something, but those are the highlights.