Seen on reddit: What large websites are running on

Bernhard on 2007-10-02T08:25:08

Seen on
What nine of the world’s largest websites are running on .
Perl has a strong showing. However the selection of sites has been debated.
The data for the table was scraped from

strange choices

perrin on 2007-10-02T17:35:25

What a bizarre selection of sites. This isn't even close to the 9 largest sites. Where's Yahoo, eBay, Google, Microsoft, AOL, Amazon, MapQuest? Those sites clobber the ones on this list. Yes, Yahoo owns Flickr, and Google own YouTube, but the traffic doesn't compare.

Re:strange choices

perigrin on 2007-10-04T06:19:33

The sites were selected based on articles on not because they actually represented "top tier" websites despite what the article claims.

That said though, nobody points out how well represented Perl is in this group :)