LotR sneek peek

Beatnik on 2002-12-19T00:28:32

Well, I got the chance of seeing LotR: The Fellowship of the Ring and LotR: The Two Towers in one go. We met at the theater around 9 PM and somehow managed to find a seat in an overcrowded room by 10 PM. We got some free (as in beer) popcorn and drinks. It's been about a year since I saw the first part of the trilogy and a quick reminder did help. Around 1 AM (being officially the 18th), The Two Towers was shown. Extra work went into Gollem, which has a pretty funny monlogue/dialogue. Some sections were TOO funny to be Tolkien-like. I didn't read the books, YET, but apparently entire sections were left out and entire other sections were stuck in. The battle scenes at Helms Deep are really nice, extremly detailed. The Ents are also good. Overall, I'd give LotR: TT an 8. Storyline seems to be b0rken at some points, music is pretty good, so is scenery, acting is above average :)

Well, just MY $0.02.

Let the record state that I got to bed at 5 AM and slept this 11.30 AM. I didn't skip school, I just missed it.

On the programming side of things, Java coding seems to be going well, altho I must confess I played a few SoF missions today as well.

In case Ann reads this, I'm not telling what your present is :) Just wait and see, you'll love it :)