Aarschot.PM meeting #1

Beatnik on 2002-12-10T23:34:55

To skip all the excitement during the past days (the backrub, the infamous Bond vs women discussion, the feeling sick and the spine dev), this is a short report of the first Aarschot.PM meething (probably also the last, but more on that in a minute). We met around 8 PM at "De Knoet" in Aarschot. Short list of attendees (random order) :

  1. Stefaan Colson
  2. Elizabeth Mattijsen
  3. Friend of Liz, whose name I for some reason forgot.. Sorry!
  4. Stefan Verhoeff
  5. Johan Van den Brande
  6. Mark Ceulemans
  7. Geert Theys ofcourse
  8. Me
Karl Moens couldn't make it due to schedule.
After some getting-to-know-each-other talk, we discussed how Aarschot.PM's future might be and we agreed to change it's name to Vlaanderen.PM (or something similar, let's flip a coin), to appeal to a wider audience (also because none of use actually lives in Aarschot anymore). Liz and her friend talked a bit about how other PM's do meetings and talks. There even is an abstract on the PM site (Perl Mongers: How to run a successful group) so we'll be looking into this orga stuff some more. We discussed possible locations for more technical talks and maybe a permanent place to hold the meetings. I'll check with school but I'm sure I can get a hold of a room pretty easily. We'll discuss stuff in the mailing list. We're always welcoming new members so join in if you want!

BTW Congrats Johan, with that first child coming up. and Thanks Mark for the ride.

And now, a short update on the other news:
Best friend got back from United Arab Emirates; got a backrub from the curly girl on thursday (even tho I was feeling sick all day and I went to bed early that evening), had a How James Bond movies really are sexist discussion, also with the curly girl. SPINE dev is going oki (for now), wrote a SPINE::Plug::RandomPic plugin today. I have NO idea when I'll do a final release but I might just do a pre-release by x-mas :)