I needed this stuff a couple of times but never took the time to document it properly.. Summarized: Use a binary from Microsofts Resource Kit as a called to perl. KB article here.
Copy the executable files to the system path (or wherever you see fit within the path)
copy INSTSRV.EXE C:\Windows\System32
copy SRVANY.EXE C:\Windows\System32
Create a service called
SERVICENAME and point it to SRVANY.EXE that you copied to the system directory.
Open the Registry Editor (regedit) and look for
Right click on the
SERVICENAME in the left column and add a new string value named
Description. Double-click on
Description and set the value to
Right click on the
SERVICENAME in the left column and add a new key named
Parameters. Click on
Parameters and add a new String Value called
Application. Double-click on
Application and set the value to
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "SCRIPTLOCATION"
Close the Registry Editor.
The service show now show up in your Services panel in the
Control Panel > Administrative Tools. Change the startup mode from Manual to Automatic if needed.
SERVICENAME is whatever you want your service to be called, SERVICENAME DESCRIPTION is whatever you want listed as a description for this service and SCRIPTLOCATION is the path to your script.