Sybase on Linux needs different shared memory parameters..Define before installing:
sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=67108864
Don't forget to put that into/etc/sysctl.conf
or it'll stop working on the next reboot. Which is probably in 6 months time when the command has disappeared from you bash_history.
We make a decision to dedicate dedicate 4000MB for Sybase ASE and leave some 1GB plus for the OS for now. Next, we caluculate what will go in to the#/usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag -v | grep "Memory size"
Memory size: 5120MB
We need to reboot the Solaris OS now.# vi/etc/system
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4194304000
Reboot your ASE server now.# vi $SYBASE/<SERVER>.cfg
max memory = 2048000