Angels & Demons

Beatnik on 2005-07-10T13:49:53

I picked up Angels & Demons last week. The dutch translation of the title is Het Bernini mysterie.

Part of the story is situated on the CERN. At some point, one of the characters points out that the internet was invented at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee. I'm not sure if this is a mistake made by the translators or by the author but the internet originates from a DoD project in the states. Tim invented the World Wide Web tho. This error is not listed on a rather long and detailed list of known mistakes in a rather long list of mistakes in the novel.

The CERN has a website dedicated to the novel. At the bottom they actually mention that the internet wasn't invented at the institute.

It's the translation

mattriffle on 2005-07-10T14:47:28

Just checked my copy, and the English version says Berners-Lee invented the "WORLDWIDE WEB" (capitalization and spacing theirs, not mine).


Re:It's the translation

Beatnik on 2005-07-10T22:13:26

Actually, at the bottom of that CERN Book page, they correct the book.. so I think it's the book :D