Since the whole job issue is still ongoing, I forced myself to do something about it and start by defining my professional goals. Now, I know what I want but where to go and how to get there is still quite vague. What do you want as an employee in an IT company. Google has very little about this (in dutch anyway) so it took me quite long to get what I have now (which is about 5 keyphrases containing stuff like finding and exploring new technology, guiding development teams, gain professional experience).
I have a nice opportunity ahead but I'm not sure if it will be fruitful and I want some backup options. Most of the people I talked to recommended posting my resume on one of those big job sites.. and they ask for your professional goals (2000 character limit.. I have about 500). I also have some friends who work at some of the big four and they promised to squeeze my application through if needed (whatever that may mean).
This will only hurt a bit! *BANG*