My knee

Beatnik on 2004-12-27T09:34:31

Strangely enough, my right knee is quite painfull since a few days. It hurts when I bend my knee, hold it like that for a few seconds and stretch my leg again. Imagine what pains I go through each morning when I wake up in a traditional fetus position.

I have no idea how this suddenly can happen. I have used my bike in at least 5 years, it's been at least a month since my last snowboarding session and it's not like I lift anything heavy.

You are probably

jdavidboyd on 2004-12-27T17:24:17

just getting old !

Re:You are probably

Beatnik on 2004-12-27T23:22:36

EH!!! 26 is not OLD!! :)

Yes, but

jdavidboyd on 2004-12-30T15:52:35

don't they say that you are only as old as you feel?

Re:Yes, but

Beatnik on 2004-12-30T22:55:51

The rest of me is feeling quite young.. it seems only my knee feels like it's 75.