work day #258

Beatnik on 2004-07-15T19:59:23

Challenges of the day: (1) install a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Enterprise Server on a dual Opteron server (note that it is 64 bit). Get the correct disk bootable with LILO (since the order was a bit random). (2) Replace broken power supply (hot-swapable) with working one (so the constant beeping would stop). (3) Reinstall Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Enterprise Server on the same dual Opteron server (but this time, use the 64 bit version). (4) Find out what happened to LILO and eventually make it bootable with GRUB. (5) Tweak the local boot server so kickstart service will also install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3. (6) Write a script (choose your poison) that grabs form input and also sends that form data to a remote webscript (Thank you WWW::Mechanize!!)

You forgot...

djberg96 on 2004-07-15T20:13:04

7) Build a 64-bit Perl. :)

Re:You forgot...

Beatnik on 2004-07-15T21:07:05

I think it comes with a 64 bit version of perl.. but I'll check to make sure :)

Re:You forgot...

sky on 2004-07-15T21:14:39

they all come with pre compiled 64 bit perls.. this is linux, not some pesky solaris thing ;)

Re:You forgot...

djberg96 on 2004-07-15T21:47:31

No fair! I'll have to lend him some linker errors and a cup of LD_LIBRARY_PATH to even things up a bit. :-P

Re:You forgot...

sky on 2004-07-15T21:51:51

On our opteron 248 boxes we run 64bit pure linuxes to avoid all kind of linking problems :)