While googling for a solution to my printer queue problem I encountered the following statement :
Dankzij een klacht van Digital Millennium Copyright Act, hebben we 1 resultaten verwijderd van deze pagina. Indien gewenst, kun je de DMCA klacht lezen voor deze verwijderde resultaten.
Translated as :
In response to a complaint we received under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have removed 1 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read the DMCA complaint for these removed results.
Rights?!? You have no rights! We don't live in a democracy, you know!
A democracy confers on you the right to vote, that's all. Then, the majority can have their way, removing any and all rights, including changing the form of Government from a Democracy to another form.
Democracies tend to have better observation of individual liberties, when compared to various forms of despotism, but you can't say you have certain rights just because you live in a democracy.
Re:Democratic misconceptions
pudge on 2003-12-16T23:24:30
We don't live in a democracy, you know!
the majority can have their way, removing any and all rights, including changing the form of Government from a Democracy to another form.
Which is why I am glad I live in a Republic, and not a Democracy.:-)