
Beatnik on 2003-06-18T22:33:05

I just heard from paris.pm that my talk didn't make it for yapc::eu. I'll finish up the material anyway. Might be good for something later on anyway. Not getting the talk selecting could mean I'm not going to paris. I'll steal dad's wallet in the morning to see if he can cough up some extra dough. I'd really hate to miss this.

I wonder about the lightning talk proposal.

Bright side: I went to see a movie with a very old and close friend (well, she's not THAT old). We went to see Van Wilder, Party Liason. If I recall, I saw the movie in 2002 on DiV... oh wait, I didn't see it. What am I talking about?? Anyway, Van Wilder is all about some guy spending 7 years in Uni, somewhat like me spending 5 years. He meets Tara Reid (the blond girl from American Pie, with the beautifull eyes) and everything turns out alright. You'll see some nipples, parties, a cock pipe and some drug usage. Don't let that distract you from the REAL story... oh wait, there is NO story.