Stuck in the middle with you..

Beatnik on 2003-03-16T00:15:00

Don't you hate it when cellphone bateries go dead in the middle of a call?? I was on my weekly chat with Ann when it went dead. I didn't get back to her for about 30 minutes, since I was walking and I had to get home first. To make things worse, I forgot my charger at work, so I can't get my cellphone bateries charged until monday. *ARGH*

Things are still pretty ok with that girl I met. (YES, YOU! I know you're reading this!!). Anyway, we have long talks about 3 times a week and we chat a bit when we see each other on-line. I saw this twinkle in her eyes the other day but I don't know if it's really one of those happiness things or just reflection of the light. She remains vague about that so I guess I'll have to look deep into her eyes again (YAY!). I like her a lot and I enjoy her company and I do get the feeling she feels the same thing. Anyway, we'll see how things go.

I got some balloons today, now all I need is some He and I'm off to fill someone's dorm room with hearts.