I just wrote the following Perl 5 code. Consider the bolded bits, and think about what the code would have looked like if I had tried to write it in any equally DRY way using map
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless { @_ }, $class;
my $builder = $self->builder;
my $content = $self->content;
my ( @gather, @take );
for my $r ( XML::Builder::Util::is_raw_array( $content ) ? @$content : $content ) {
@take = $r;
if ( not Scalar::Util::blessed $r ) {
@take = $builder->render( @_ ) if XML::Builder::Util::is_raw_array $r;
if ( not $r->isa( $builder->fragment_class ) ) {
@take = $builder->stringify( $r );
next if $builder == $r->builder;
Carp::croak( 'Cannot merge XML::Builder fragments built with different namespace maps' )
if $r->depends_ns_scope;
@take = $r->flatten;
my ( $self_enc, $r_enc ) = map { lc $_->encoding } $builder, $r->builder;
if $self_enc eq $r_enc
# be more permissive: ASCII is one-way compatible with UTF-8 and Latin-1
or 'us-ascii' eq $r_enc and grep { $_ eq $self_enc } 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-1';
'Cannot merge XML::Builder fragments with incompatible encodings'
. " (have $self_enc, fragment has $r_enc)"
continue {
push @gather, @take;
$self->{'content'} = \@gather;
return $self;
I don’t know whether this way of writing the code would have occurred to me if I hadn’t seen the construct in Perl 6. I suspect not.