A lot of effort goes into [Perl on] VMS, but that’s because we have a small core of dedicated VMS folks who do most of the work. And VMS is still an actively developed, viable operating system with good reasons for using it in its particular niches. [1] And I personally get some enjoyment from working with VMS, it’s like visiting another planet.
Compare with, say, supporting Windows 95 which has no future, no good reason to use it, no dedicated developers within Perl and is no fun.
Without active porters for a platform, there's no good way to support that platform. With active porters, the platform becomes and stays supported.
Re:Dropping Platforms
sigzero on 2007-11-21T12:35:55
Why that sounds logical...Re:Dropping Platforms
chromatic on 2007-11-21T19:13:00
You might find it surprising how many people complain that a certain piece of code doesn't work on a specific platform and then somehow fail to make the connection that no one else can fix it for them.