PERL is a quasi-recursive antronym – it doesn’t stand for Perl Is Not [an] Acronym.
Re:The meaning of PINA
Aristotle on 2007-07-17T07:20:43
Who was talking about PINA?
:-) Re:The meaning of PINA
mr_bean on 2007-07-17T13:24:42
PINA is not a pathetic excuse for a real language?:-)
That's the best antronym I've seen.Re:The meaning of PINA
mr_bean on 2007-07-18T12:11:28
I went looking for where I found the backronym in the previous post. It was probably on the exim list from 2003. But I see some funny stuff with the same one.
A funny list of backronyms and reinterpreted acronyms.
URL: nyms
A zany rewriting of the history of perl at Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia:
With some image alteration introducing perl:
More non-computing backronyms at: Indopedia, the Indological knowledgebase:
Again at an Irish site: Ireland Information Guide , Irish, Counties, Facts, Statistics, Tourism, Culture, How:
I wonder if the one hacker was responsible for all these.Re:The meaning of PINA
gabor on 2007-07-18T18:22:08
Have you tried to look it up in your nearby Hungarian dictionary?
The meaning of Aho in Japanese
mr_bean on 2007-07-19T13:49:54
Ho! Ho! That's pretty hot. I expected it to have reference to the male, rather than female sex.
Another funny translation is of Alfred V Aho of awk fame's name into Japanese. Aho means 'idiot' in Japanese.