What the heck is “pedesagittry”?

Aristotle on 2007-04-11T07:46:39

Damian Conway uses it in Perl Best Practices:

See “List Processing Side Effects” in Chapter 6 for specific advice on avoiding that particular kind of pedesagittry.

I can’t find a definition for this word… anywhere.

I smell a prank rather than an obscure word. It would be just the kind of thing that Damian does.

Google says...

ajt on 2007-04-11T11:03:59


Re:Pedesagittry (Score:1) by rubmytummy (677080) on Thursday March 15, @06:57PM (#18369073)

Damian Conway made it up to describe certain unintended side effects of (mis)using $_ in Perl.

Here's a hint: in Latin a sagittarius is a kind of archer, and a pedes viator is a traveler on foot.

I have no idea is this is in anyway true...

Re:Google says...

jmason on 2007-04-11T11:18:12

so "shooting oneself in the foot"? great neoarchaeologism. ;)

Re:Google says...

Aristotle on 2007-04-11T12:01:50

Ah, that would work. (I didn’t see your reply while composing mine.) I knew it was a Damianism.

Re:Google says...

rafael on 2007-04-11T16:47:53

Awesome: in the French edition of PBP, this amusing neologism was translated (by Jean Forget) as "fusillade auto-podale".

Re:Google says...

Aristotle on 2007-04-11T11:49:11

It looks right, but it doesn’t help me any. Archer and pedestrian? Now what?

Re:Google says...

ajt on 2007-04-12T21:03:10

You could just send an email to "The Damian" and ask him..?