Hackathon attendance lessons

Aristotle on 2007-03-04T10:02:29

  1. If you pack a laptop, pack some headphones as well. You might want to listen to something while the people in the vicinity are working (or sleeping).

  2. Pack some painkillers!

  3. Normalise your sleep schedule at least a day or two in advance…

  4. ifconfig $wiface up
    iwlist $wiface scan | egrep 'ESSID|Encryption key'
    iwconfig $wiface essid $essid
    dhcpcd $wiface

More hackathon rules

petdance on 2007-03-04T20:13:42

Pack your own powerstrip, and label everything that's yours. Everyone's Mac power supplies look alike.

Re:More hackathon rules

Aristotle on 2007-03-04T22:13:01

Hmm, I did neither of the first two points; but I didn’t have more than one plug anyway and was lucky with the second because people happened to be good with keeping their stuff apart. I imagine it might be a bigger problem at a bigger hackathon.

The third point was evident even without it causing any problems, though. :-)