Very sad news.
Thank you for all your work I enjoy (and make a living from), Nick. Peace to your memory.
(This reminds me of a relevant moving report by Ovid I read recently. If you haven’t, go do so.)
My priviledge
Matts on 2006-09-27T00:34:35
I met Nick only once - at OSCon 2000 I believe, sharing beers with him and Tim Bunce. He was the quiet geek type, but friendly without measure. He will indeed be missed, and my heart is sad for losing someone like him from the community.
package Nick_Ing_Simmons;
djberg96 on 2006-09-27T13:05:50
Very sad news. My first job out of the military was doing development on a Perl/Tk app.
Does anyone happen to know how old he was?