More input for feed junkies: TPR Interviews

Aristotle on 2006-01-13T17:28:54

I now offer a scraped feed for The Perl Review’s Interviews.

(And hey, maybe you want to have a look at the other feeds while you’re there.)

Very cool

brian_d_foy on 2006-01-13T20:03:37

I have a long list of things I need to do with TPR, and that was one of them. It's getting to the point where I need a content management system.

We have this really cool set-up at Stonehenge that does all the magic for Randal's articles. When TT goes through the source and indexes everything we can spit that stuff out in all sorts of ways.

Now that you've kicked me in the butt, I'll have to get to work. :)