Predictions! For 2006! Really!

Aristotle on 2005-12-23T00:55:09

From the Free Software Business mailing list (whose web-facing archives are the most worthless example of that software category that I’ve ever seen, so no source link, sorry):

From: Don Marti <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Big news for 2006
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 15:18:35 -0800
Message-ID: <>

begin mikko puhakka quotation of Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 10:47:55PM +0200:

Hello all, what do you predict to be the big news for Free/Open source software for 2006?

McBride/MSFT mail turns out to be a smoking gun; Red Hat adds MSFT to its Lanham act suit against SCO; MSFT makes largest settlement payment ever; RHAT buys all y’all.

People’s Republic of All the Americas Except You-Know-Who holds constitutional convention in Caracas; embargoes US products and all proprietary software; nobody ever knows who has the best baseball team in the world.

Mandatory Senator’s Brother-In-Law’s Company’s DRM signed into US law; Clear Channel buys remaining radio stations, goes to “all-ringtones” format. Make magazine sells out “build your own LP record lathe” issue as disgusted music lovers go back to analog.

Period of programming language fad cycle becomes less than period of software project completion cycle; code examples in the best-selling “Beyond Ruby” are the longest programs completed all year.

Linux! On the desktop! Next year! Really!

Don Marti