Echos in the vortex of a mailing list’s space-time

Aristotle on 2005-08-30T19:43:09

The weirdest thing just happened on the Markdown mailing list.

It started with this innocuous mail:

From: Mark Lawrence <>
To: Markdown discussion <>
Subject: Modular/Packaging Suggestion

Hi there,

First up, great work on Markdown. It seems clear and easy format to use. So much so in fact that I wanted to integrate it into my (home-built) blog which also happens to be written in Perl.

However, as a Perl hacker I would much rather have a module interface to such text filtering rather than Markdown’s current script-based interface.

So I went ahead and “modularised” Markdown into Text::Markdown and a markdown script that uses Text::Markdown to do the work, and adjusted the POD documentation for each accordingly.

I also added associated inc::Module::Install (replacement for Extutils::MakeMaker), Makefile.PL, and test files which make the installation a cross-platform and painless process. Not to mention the make dist target which packages things nicely for distribution.

The distribution (produced as a suggestion only) is available from here:

By the way, this format (apart from looking nicely professional and similar to most other Perl packages) is suitable for uploading to CPAN, which can then be “depended” on by other applications for automatic installation with cpan -i…

It is also a better format for making debian packages with dh-make-perl.

I didn’t do the Bloxsom, or MT integration, as I have no idea how they could/should be better integrated with a modular Markdown. Maybe you would just put that code back into bin/markdown…

Anyhow, hope that this is useful.

Mark Lawrence

Now, that isn’t the weird part. That comes in the reply:

From: Mark Lawrence <>
To: Markdown discussion <>
Subject: Re: Modular/Packaging Suggestion

I feel as though I have just wandered into a Heinlein time travel story. Just yesterday, I (the original Mark Lawrence) stripped the blosxom, Movable Type, and command line stuff from to create a file for useing in a larger HTML filter script. Today, I (still the original Mark Lawrence) looked at my email and found this message from another Mark Lawrence (with a suspicious address–an indication of a visitor [nomad] from another dimension?) who has done a similar, albeit more thorough, job of modularizing Markdown. The vertigo is so strong I can’t bring myself to follow his links.

(the original) Mark Lawrence

To which the other doppelgänger replied:

From: Mark Lawrence <>
To: Markdown discussion <>
Subject: Re: Modular/Packaging Suggestion

On Tue, 30 Aug 2005, ‘the other’ Mark Lawrence wrote:

I feel as though I have just wandered into a Heinlein time travel


I feel as through my brain isn’t working properly. I thought I had already received and read the message I sent to the mailing list – so why is my name in the From field of this second message. Has it been delivered twice?

And then why am I re-describing to everyone what I have done, except slightly differently to how I remember doing it. *head shake*

I feel somewhat like I am writing to myself. Or perhaps I am the victim of a really bad case of identify theft – to the point where the thief has gone so far as to wash my car, mow the lawn and do my taxes.

I think I better go check who my girlfriend is with right now…

of modularizing Markdown. The vertigo is so strong I can’t bring myself to follow his links.

It is almost physically disorienting!

Mark Lawrence
(Aussie, living in Switzerland)

That's Just Creepy

jk2addict on 2005-08-30T20:22:37

Very very strange indeed.

even more coincidence

merlyn on 2005-08-30T20:38:07

Does anyone else think it's odd that "Mark Lawrence" is also an anagram for "err, camel wank!"



Aristotle on 2005-08-30T22:30:30

You are twisted. :-)