FizzBuzz in 6502 assembler

AndyArmstrong on 2007-03-17T20:40:18

FizzBuzz is an extremely basic competence test for programmers. So I thought I'd write a version extremely in BASIC. Here it is in BBC Basic's embedded 6502 assembler.

What's that got to do with Perl? Well I used my 6502 emulator written in Perl to develop it on.

   10 REM FizzBuzz in 6502 assembler
   20 DIM code% 1000
   30 OSWRCH = &FFEE
   40 OSNEWL = &FFE7
   50 work = &70
   60 DIM FizzM 4 : $FizzM = "zziF"
   70 DIM BuzzM 4 : $BuzzM = "zzuB"
   80 FOR pass% = 0 TO 3 STEP 3
   90 P%=code%
  100 [opt pass%
  120 .FizzBuzz  LDA #1
  130            LDX #3
  140            LDY #5
  150 .FB1       SEC
  160            DEX
  170            BNE FB2
  180            JSR Fizz
  190            LDX #3
  200 .FB2       DEY
  210            BNE FB3
  220            JSR Buzz
  230            LDY #5
  240 .FB3       BCC FB4
  250            JSR PrDecimal
  260 .FB4       PHA
  270            JSR OSNEWL
  280            PLA
  290            CLC
  300            ADC #1
  310            CMP #101
  320            BCC FB1
  330            RTS
  350 .Fizz      PHA
  360            LDX #3
  370 .Fizz1     LDA FizzM, X
  380            JSR OSWRCH
  390            DEX
  400            BPL Fizz1
  410            CLC
  420            PLA
  430            RTS
  450 .Buzz      PHA
  460            LDY #3
  470 .Buzz1     LDA BuzzM, Y
  480            JSR OSWRCH
  490            DEY
  500            BPL Buzz1
  510            CLC
  520            PLA
  530            RTS
  550 .PrDecimal STA work
  560            PHA
  570            TXA
  580            PHA
  590            LDA #0
  600            PHA
  610 .PrDec0    LDX #8
  620            LDA #0
  630 .PrDec1    ASL work
  640            ROL A
  650            CMP #10
  660            BCC PrDec2
  670            SBC #10
  680            INC work
  690 .PrDec2    DEX 
  700            BNE PrDec1
  710            CLC 
  720            ADC #ASC"0"
  730            PHA 
  740            LDX work
  750            BNE PrDec0
  760 .PrDec3    PLA 
  770            BEQ PrDec4
  780            JSR OSWRCH
  790            JMP PrDec3
  800 .PrDec4    PLA 
  810            TAX 
  820            PLA
  830            RTS
  840 ]
  850 NEXT


bart on 2007-03-18T10:14:05

Why did you classify your emulator under the Acme:: namespace? IMO That is for joke modules only. Yours seems to be far too mature, possibly even useful, to be called a "joke module".

Admittedly, I have not tried it out, as I have no attachment to the 6502 CPU. But I do have to Forth, so that's another reason to be interested in it.

And I have been contemplating to write something similar for the Z80 CPU, I once did a whole "monitor" (which is like an inplace assembler/disassembler) in Z80 machine code, so I'm familiar with the drill. Still, I'd refuse to release it under the Acme:: namespace.


AndyArmstrong on 2007-03-18T11:59:14

Acme because

  • The test coverage is rubbish
  • The documentation is weak
  • I can't imagine people having a serious use for it - but if they do they'll find it anyway
  • It is quite funny

To make the insanity complete I was thinking about writing a small Perl-like language in 6502 code to distribute with Acme::6502. But it turns out that life actually is too short.