Suburban Sunrise

Allison on 2002-09-25T15:33:34

I woke up this morning to find a family of raccoons doodling in the wetlands behind my new house. I like this place. :)

Sorta the same

gnat on 2002-09-25T16:16:24

Yesterday I saw a huge hawk circling over the wetlands (foreigners, read as "marsh" or "swamp") that my office window looks out on. Last night I dreamed I saw a baby racoon scuttling around the front lawn. So put them together and it's obvious that I'm psychic.

The Great Natini! Sounds like really bad pasta marketing, doesn't it? I guess Uri Geller doesn't have anything to fear.


Re:Sorta the same

Theory on 2002-09-25T16:31:47

I guess Uri Geller doesn't have anything to fear.

Other than The Amazing Randi, you mean?


Re:Sorta the same

Allison on 2002-09-25T18:58:35

Oh Great Natini, reveal the future... what shall I have for lunch? :)

Re:Sorta the same

gnat on 2002-09-25T21:34:44

You like chocolate, yes? Yes. But you feel guilty when you eat it, yes? Yes. But that doesn't stop you from eating it, yes? Yes.

--The Great Natini
(stolen from, of all places, a segment in the Man Show that was actually funny)


merlyn on 2002-09-25T16:34:42

nobody's supposed to know how cool it is to live in the #1 (no, now #2) unemployment place in the country.


Allison on 2002-09-25T19:46:04

Oh, right, yeah...

Jedi mind projection: You don't want to move to Portland. You don't even want to visit. Everyone who visits seems to move here. :)

My house

pudge on 2002-09-25T17:03:56

The state park borders us; we've seen deer, foxes, wild turkeys, and a lot more going through our yard. Living in the country is cool.