Okay, I'm not even going to try to catch up with all the Parrot stuff I've done since I last posted. The mailing list archives pretty much cover it.
On Friday I visited Jerry Gay and his wife Bethany. Jerry and I spent some time hacking on Parrot, and I made a good bit of progress on converting Punie over to Patrick's new PAST, POST, and HLLCompiler module. Over the weekend I've pushed the port to the point where it's generating valid PIR for many of Punie's basic low-level constructs. Some of the larger pieces are going to need a serious conceptual refactor: the top-level structure of the AST, conditionals, comma lists, etc. The new PAST has ways of handling them, they're just very different than Punie's current implementation.
On a related note, here's why the new compiler toolchain should be called "Partridge":
partridge p......ge ...t...ge par[s]..e pa.tri[ck]
Obvious, isn't it?