Punie: AST to OST to PIR

Allison on 2005-12-02T05:34:20

This week I worked on the tree grammar to transform Punie's abstract syntax tree (PAST) to an opcode syntax tree (POST). That went along pretty quickly, even with a little time wasted down an odd rabbit hole or two. The current set of POST nodes are minimal because I'm still only trying to compile "print 1;". They'll grow and change as I expand the compiler.

Since I had a little time left over, I went ahead and started working on the next step: converting POST into something executable. For now, PIR output is good enough. I just need to close the final gap so I can run tests on Perl 1 code. So, I threw together a little mock-up to fill the gap. It's a TGE tree grammar, but instead of transforming one tree to another tree, it transforms a tree to a string of source code. It's kind of like a PGE grammar in reverse.

That also went pretty fast and I still had a little time left over, so I went ahead with the last step, which is compiling and excuting the PIR code. That part only takes a few lines of code.

So, I swapped punie2.pir in as the main punie.pir, ran the language tests and they passed. Yay!

Next week I'll expand Punie so it does more than just print a single digit.

Good for 'Parrot bc'

Bernhard on 2005-12-02T08:30:16

Sounds good. So tonight, or this weekend, I can teach 'Parrot bc' to execute via bc -> PAST -> POST -> PIR -> PBC. The 'bc -> PAST' step would be a Python parser, lexer and tree parser generated from an ANTLR grammmar.