After 6 or 7 months (mainly waiting around for the next "recommended upgrade instruction" from the SQLite project) the latest DBD::SQLite release should occur next week.
You can get the 1.30_06 release candidate from the CPAN, or from the following URL if your mirror hasn't synced yet.
Apart from the normal batch of SQLite upgrades (from 3.6.22 to 3.7.2), bug fixes, and minor enhancements, this release has two changes that may break your code.
These changes have been in the dev releases for some time, but you may want to take the opportunity to test more intensively if you use either of the following features.
1. BLOB columns with UTF8 content
- Resolved #54271: Inserting a string with utf-8 flag on corrupts BLOB data; now BLOB data is always stored as bytes (without the utf-8 flag) even if it has the flag set (ISHIGAKI)
- Added support for FTS3 tokenizers written in Perl. Added tests and documentation on how to use FTS3. Changed compilation flag to use the recommanded -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS *** MAY POSSIBLY BREAK OLD APPLICATIONS THAT ALREADY USED FTS3 *** (DAMI)