While testing 5.10.1 RC1, I've hit a show-stopper for Padre. Alien::wxWidgets makes use of a get_options "debug" option that collides with the new internal "debug" option in the latest Module::Build that comes with 5.10.1 RC1.
If you must have Padre on 5.10.1 (and lets face it, you must) you can work around this problem by downgrading Module::Build to 0.32.
On Strawberry, you can just run the following on the command line
pip http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/E/EW/EWILHELM/Module-Build-0.32.tar.gz
Re:I think this is bad advice
Alias on 2009-08-10T02:31:47
It wasn't out at the time I gave the advice