The Hazards of Living in the Future (Padre Party on 26th)

Alias on 2009-07-16T02:43:54

Living in the future has ups and downs.

Leaving the office Friday afternoon at 5pm, watching the Californians in IRC going to bed on Thursday night dreading another day at work is is fun.

Crawling into work on Monday morning and seeing everybody else in the world lounging around on Sunday is not so fun.

So when I said that Padre's 1st Birthday Party was on the 27th, what I of course should have said was Padre's 1st Birthday Party is on the 27th... for me.

What I should have ACTUALLY said is that Padre's 1st Birthday is on at Sun Jul 26 20:44:42 2009 GMT, which will be either Sunday or Monday depending on how far in the past you live.

To keep things practical of course, the party and hackathon will run all weekend, and you are welcome to join us any time over the weekend.

We hope to achieve the twin auspicious tasks of reaching 42,000 lines of code and releasing version 0.42 of Padre over the course of the weekend.

heading to 42K code ?

gabor on 2009-07-16T05:42:04

... which of course will mean we actually have to remove code as Ohloh says Padre already has 42.4 K code.. (including HTML and CSS)

Re:heading to 42K code ?

Alias on 2009-07-16T05:46:34

Meh, only Perl code counts. :)