CPANDB Tricks: Your personal version of the FAIL 100

Alias on 2009-07-09T01:12:08

You may have seen my FAIL 100 list of modules, the 100 modules who's failure in CPAN Testers cause the most pain to other people.

Now that I have support for CPAN Testers results in the CPANDB schema, it's now easy to replicate the math I was doing on that website in one SQL script.

Here's a quickie report of all the modules that I maintain that have failures causing problems for other people (which is a pretty decent clue to the order in which I need to fix them).

Please excuse the weird indenting, I have no idea how Slashcode managed to achieve that...


print map { sprintf("%4s %s\n", $_->[1], $_->[0]) } @{ CPANDB->selectall_arrayref( 'select distribution, (fail + unknown) * volatility as FAILure from distribution where author = "ADAMK" and FAILure > 0 order by FAILure desc' ) }

9460 PPI 4389 DBD-SQLite 3237 IPC-Run 1407 File-HomeDir 484 Test-ClassAPI 396 prefork 345 SMS-Send 334 File-Remove 289 Config-Tiny 240 Class-Autouse 217 File-ShareDir 150 LWP-Online 74 Devel-Dumpvar 73 Test-Script 68 Test-Inline 60 Perl-Squish 58 PITA-POE-SupportServer 53 Module-CGI-Install 38 ORLite-Migrate 37 Module-Extract 36 Module-Inspector 28 Chart-Math-Axis 24 Test-File-Cleaner 20 PITA-XML 15 PITA-Scheme 15 Portable-Dist 14 Xtract 10 CSS-Tiny 10 JSAN-Client 10 PPI-HTML 8 CPAN-Inject 8 File-UserConfig 7 PITA 6 PITA-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build 6 Perl-Metrics 4 Method-Alias 4 Test-NeedsDisplay 3 Algorithm-Dependency-Source-DBI 3 Archive-Builder 3 Data-Package 3 JavaScript-Librarian 2 CGI-Capture 2 PITA-Image 1 PITA-Test-Dummy-Perl5-MI 1 PITA-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make 1 POE-Declare 1 Parse-CPAN-MirroredBy 1 Perl-Signature

Please do fix IPC::Run!

robinsmidsrod on 2009-07-09T13:06:41

The fact that you're looking for '' on Vista (which is no longer shipped with the OS) makes it fail for me.

See more here:


rjbs on 2009-07-09T13:52:44

This looks quite useful.

I've already fixed the first entry in my list: b5