CPANDB Tricks: Smoking the Top 100

Alias on 2009-07-08T01:03:23

David Golden writes:

I'd like to be able to easily smoke test at least the volatile 100 list for the 5.10.1 RC's. Is there an easy way I can get a list in the form:


Just a text file would be fine, or JSON or whatever. Just something with AUTHOR/DISTNAME-VERSION.SUFFIX.

The Volatile 100 is my replacement for the Phalanx 100. Where the Phalanx 100 represented major functional modules that people might depend on directly the most and was curated by humans, the Volatile 100 in a graph-weighted list of the 100 most depended on distributions and is continuously updated automatically.

Finding information of the kind David needs is exactly why I created the CPANDB module. His query can be boiled down to just a single line of code.

my @releases = map { $_->release } CPANDB::Distribution->select('order by volatility desc limit 100');

smoking the top 100 in 4 lines of code

dagolden on 2009-07-08T02:08:57

use CPAN::Reporter::Smoker 'start';

my @releases = map { $_->release } CPANDB::Distribution->select('order by volatility desc limit 100');

start( list => \@releases );