Padre now has "Live Support"

Alias on 2009-05-28T03:25:34

In response to feedback from the DreamWidth survey, where a number of people said that IRC was an imposing technology if you've never used it before, I've added new "Live Support" options to the Help menu.

This provides a shortcut direct to a web IRC client for a specific IRC server and #channel. The only thing the user has to type in is a username (and with a little work in the future, I think I might be able to get rid of that as well by defaulting it to the "identity_name" config param).

Even cooler is that we can generate this menu programmatically. So if you are in the French locale, we could add a "Perl Help (French)" (en Francais of course). If you are on Win32, we can add a menu entry for the #win32 channel.

And if you have a plugin with an active community (like the Perl 6 or Catalyst plugins) you can add your own "Live Support" menu entry to your plugin, and help funnel users into your IRC channels.