Big unicode changes ahead in DBD::SQLite

Alias on 2009-04-16T14:59:34

The focus of the next DBD::SQLite release is to fix its Unicode support as much as possible (we decided to delay solving it during the run up to 1.21) and as of the 1.22_07 release I think we're pretty much ready to role.

Unfortunately, in order to fix one of the bugs we've had to make some slightly non-back-compatible changes to the internals.

Upgrading to a new DBD::SQLite database and then reading Unicode strings out of a SQLite database created with an older version might be problematic. Any module that sits on top of DBD::SQLite and applies a workaround to correct the bug should be checked to ensure it can handle the now-correct Unicode behaviour.

The impression I get from Miyagawa-san and Juerd (who both have SQLite Unicode apps and worked on the Unicode solution) is that the changes needed are simple and minor, so I'm not going to hold up the release for very long.

But if you have an SQLite applications that involve Unicode, or you know anyone else that might have one, please spread the word to test with the latest development release.

Since the DBD::SQLite release is also holding up the Strawberry Perl April release, I plan to push out the new release very soon. By the end of the weekend at the latest.