DBD::SQLite 1.21 restores compatibility with DBIx::Class

Alias on 2009-04-08T04:06:45



I'm happy to announce another two DBD::SQLite releases, that fix some more outstanding issues.

The production 1.21 release fixes all known bugs relating to DBIx::Class and so should restore full service for this critical CPAN module. Or at least, the one failing test left in DBIC is quite happily Not My Fault.

Thanks once again to the super-productive ISHIGAKI for these fixes.

The second package is the first developer release to address a number of bugs that were breaking proper Unicode support. We've held these back from production because they have the potential to break existing applications if you upgrade from a buggy version (which includes ALL previous versions DBD::SQLite).

Happily, we have a number of people on top of this issue (including MIYAGAWA) so hopefully we can have a stable solution and a decent upgrade path by the time this moves into the stable release.

Great Work

jk2addict on 2009-04-08T13:02:57

Awesome job to everyone. This dist was getting a little long in the tooth, and god knows I personally despised 1.14 for quite some time. :-)