Can I stop RJBS taking my leaderboard crown?

Alias on 2009-03-25T03:36:46

If one were to take a look at the CPAN Leaderboard ( one would notice that RJBS has pulled clear of MIYAGAWA and is bearing down on my position at the top of the list (if you ignore the ZOFFIX module spam at the top there, as most people do).

This is partly because I've been recently been bogged down working on large projects (Strawberry, PPI, Padre) or doing maintenance on important projects (Module::Install, File::HomeDir, Params::Util) projects, and partly because I've started to run out of things on my list of "Things That Should Exist But Don't Yet".

Clearly something needs to be done about this situation, although I'm dubious how long I can hold him off.

It would seem I need to start mining for modules that never quite got done, and see what is left I can unleash onto PAUSE.

It's damned hard to compete with the bountiful opportunities available to RJBS in Email::

Good candidates would seem to be a tree of POE::Declare classes to mirror existing PoCo classes (but with consistent POE::Declare'ish APIs) and more members of the ORDB:: family.

Of course the main challenge, as usual, is to score points without resorting to outright abuse of distribution granularity.

three words

rjbs on 2009-03-25T13:06:01

strategic module reserve

A Suggestion

drhyde on 2009-03-26T12:31:21

Devel::CheckOS needs some helper modules to identify particular versions of OSes, Linux distributions, and so on. They'd all be about one line of code.