A prototype version of the CPAN Top 100 website is now online, nested inside my (badly underused) website for now.
It's a quick Dreamweaver and Adobe Spry job, which means it doesn't have a look and feel yet but you can click on the index headers to sort the tables.
I've now also added in the names of the maintainers for each distribution, and added a ranking number.
Currently the website isn't automatically updating yet (I'll just do it periodically by hand), and it's only using the default ORDB caching option (1 week maxage), so the data will probably be up to two weeks behind the current state of the CPAN.
Once I've gotten a few more bits and pieces implemented, and transitioned it over to it's own domain name (I'm thinking I'll tune the caching and set up auto-updating so that it moves up to around 12-24 hours behind the current state.
P.S. Now that has slipped to 7th on a Google search for "Adam Kennedy" I'm in danger of falling off the first page entirely. So I've rebuilt my website to be more of a personal site now than an amorphous "software company" type look.
The new "Adam Kennedy (does not play baseball)" version should hopefully help me recover some of the lost ground. If you could do me a small favour and drop an Adam Kennedy somewhere (especially if your have a non-use.perl site/blog) it would be greatly appreciated.
Re:Half of CPAN depending on Msql::Mysql::modules
Alias on 2009-02-15T08:33:23
CPANTS thinks that it contains or something (this was discussed in my previous journal entries showing the raw numbers).
Re:Half of CPAN depending on Msql::Mysql::modules
Arador on 2009-02-15T13:04:21
That was FreeWRL. HTML-Widgets-Index claims to provide Test and depends on Msql-Mysql-modules. Someone should contact the author of FreeWRL and HTML-Widgets-Index and ask them to fix their issues.
Thank you for creating the top 100. It reflects some of my own observations (though I've not taken the time to create the metrics). If the Top 100 does get automated, please consider the additional features:
* expanding it to 200 or 250 entries for each CPANTS list
* having both the author & module columns link back to their respective entries at
* using jQuery with a Table plug-in or some alternative for sortable tables.
Thanks, Mark S.
Re:Small requests - links
Alias on 2009-02-16T01:11:13
What would jQuery get me that the current one does not?
Re:Small requests - links
markstinson on 2009-02-16T06:53:42
I've been using the Javascript jQuery library to keep browser work in the browser instead of doing post-backs on the server for things like column sorts and DOM manipulations. Some folks like, Yahoo's UI libraries, etc. I like jQuery for it's plugins to avoid larger JS libraries and the ability to upgrade old static HTML pages to Web 2.0'ish with minimal efforts.
When I saw your Top 100, I thought it would be nice to sort the columns in page on Authors or Distribution for additional abuser insight;-). (I did this with Firebug in Firefox.)
For example, there's a recent article in Linux Journal (03/09, p.18, At The Forge - jQuery Plugins) that brings to light one such plug-in (DataTable) I use when dealing with HTML tables of less than a couple thousand rows. If I have an HTML table, static or rendered, adding the following will make all columns sortable:
<!-- add these script lines-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.dataTables.js"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
<!-- makes sure the table has a ID defined in the DOM -->
<table id="table-id">
You should then have an in browser sortable table without any post-back processing. Again, fairly large tables in browser will take longer when sorting.
I hope this quick bit tip helps out many.
Later, Mark S.Re:Small requests - links
markstinson on 2009-02-16T07:00:04
1. "(I did this with Firebug in Firefox.)" should have read "(I've done this with Firebug in Firefox.)"
2. I had some javascript prevention enabled. Now that turned it back on, the columns sort. duh - stupid user error.
Still, I hope my previous comments helps others when working with data tables.
Later, Mark S.