Taking over maintenance of DBD::SQLite

Alias on 2009-01-24T12:43:54

Since MATTS is busy defending the world from spam (including my inbound mail at work) he hasn't had as much time to look after DBD::SQLite as he would like.

Since no other primary maintainer has shown up to take it over, I've taken it over for now and moved it into my repository at http://svn.ali.as/.

Since I don't know C, but I do know how to package and test modules properly, I plan to work my through the SQLite bugs that are related to the Makefile.PL and tests, to make life easier for whoever eventually turns up to help fix the C stuff.

Plus a bunch of smart people have commit in my repository and they have a better opportunity to get in and fix small problems.

Good news!

janus on 2009-01-24T14:45:20

Let the bug bashing begin :-)


jsut on 2009-01-26T15:09:31

Darren Duncan sent a request to co-maintain to Matt on Jan 13th, that was CC'd to the DBI, RDBO, and DBIC lists (and some others). If he's not on the list of committers, maybe you can add him?

the request: http://groups.google.com/group/rose-db-object/browse_thread/thread/28a0f2ed80897 a0d


janus on 2009-01-27T16:59:21

IMHO it's more about who's pushing to get things moving given someone actually has commit access and is responsive, which seems to be the case now (which doesn't means i'm against more maintainers).

I've immediately prodded for my patch solving the "closing dbh with active statement handles"[0] issue and got feedback, even though it might take a bit to get it in as the patch updates the bundled sqlite version to get a new function that helps to solve the problem.

Anyway, check that your patches are up to date and talk to the right people... that's how it always worked :-)

[0] http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=40383

Success criteria

siracusa on 2009-01-28T01:46:23

FYI, the last version of DBD::SQLite to pass the Rose::DB::Object test suite was version 1.12, released in 2006. You'll know you're at least back up to parity with three years ago once you can pass all those tests.