Over the last couple of days, I've been doing quite a bit of hacking on Padre.
Apart from fixing random things that annoy me and rearranging menus, I've been concentrating most of my time on the new Padre::Document classes and using the document model to start on PPI integration.
The result is a bit (ok, very) rough at the moment, but I'm starting to land the first interesting features.
So in the next release, Padre should have a "Perl" menu that contains not only the existing Run menu entries, but new and actually-useful things like "Find that annoying unmatched brace that I can't see" and (if I have time) "Find that annoying unterminated quote that I can't see".
As usual, progress on Padre is continuous and the design is in flux, but in the next couple of versions I think we're really going to start to see Padre move past being a Notepad replacement and also act as a vehicle for a variety of handy PPI-based queries, transforms and other functionality (at least on a file by file basis).
At which point Padre becomes the editor you briefly switch over to do some things you can't do in your normal editor.
Which is at least a start towards world domination :)
Is there a roadmap or todo list for upcoming features?
gabor on 2008-09-17T12:41:27
Padre v0.09 is on its way to CPAN and a linux executable can be found in the download folderAs of roadmap. We have a bunch of tickets on our web site but we don't have an exact order or schedule of what we are implementing when.
Alias on 2008-09-17T23:43:47
At the moment, mostly it seems to be Gabor and I scratching our various itches in parallel as fast as possible, with releases made at stable points when nothing particularly large is broken.