Moving from PPI 1.202 to 1.203 has turned into a fairly tortuous affair, mainly because of the irrepressible Chris Dolan trickle-commiting failing parse cases into the repository, which of course I HAVE to fix before I can release the next version, because my release automation simply wouldn't stand for that.
As the failing cases get stranger and stranger, I need to fix more "interesting" bugs and bad assumptions, and add more features.
So what should be a release that happens about once a month or so has turned into a 9 month affair that is probably more deserving of being 1.250 rather than 1.203.
I've bumped a number of deps to flush out some problems, removed various back-compatibility issues, and added very early support for Perl 6, or at least for supporting the use of "use v6-alpha;".
The v6 support happened because now CPAN::Mini supports offline mode, so also did CPAN::Mini::Extract, and thus so also did CPAN::Metrics, which needed to parse all of CPAN, which meant I needed to handle KindaPerl6::Grammar, etc etc.
So if you use any significant tools based on PPI, I'd appreciate a quick round of testing to validate that they all still work properly with this new release. If everything looks good, I'll flick it to a production version tomorrow.
Re:The trunk version of Perl::Critic works fine.
Alias on 2008-05-14T01:05:01
Unfortunately, when I tested the production version this morning, it failed. So we probably need to synchronize releases.
ChrisDolan on 2008-05-14T06:30:53
D'oh, never mind! I was looking at the Changes file for 1.201 by mistake...Re:Changelog
Alias on 2008-05-14T09:33:27
Whenever you add things, please note it in changes.