Dog-fooding Perl on a Stick

Alias on 2008-05-02T07:11:12

Slowly, hesitantly, the experimental work on is yielding solutions to problems (some of which will require other modules to be changed, but not in ways that are particularly crazy).

So far, I think I have enough evidence to be confident I will be able to successfully hijack, CPAN::Config, File::HomeDir, and CPAN::Mini, which is about the minimum necessary to get a working portable Perl distribution rolling.

So at this time, I'm ready to set the following challenge for myself.

If I can get the Perl Foundation development grant to work on Perl on a Stick, the day before I leave Australia I will delete every Perl installation off my laptop, and spend the entire trip working entirely off a flash drive.

Great leaping camels

gizmo_mathboy on 2008-05-02T12:41:35

That's one brave thing to do.

It should prove the idea at the very least.

Have I told you lately I think you're my Perl hero?

I would say chromatic and Ovid as well but I'm waiting for the results of chromatic and hfb's cage match. :-)

Re:Great leaping camels

chromatic on 2008-05-02T15:40:11

I won't speak for her, but I think hfb would say that she's spent a lot more time raising a child the past few years than working in tech in non-work hours, and I respect that.