The highest priority for Strawberry Perl is getting XML::Parser working (it will almost certainly come pre-installed in the next quarterly release due April 1st plus or minus a week).
In the mean time, we're trying to work out the problems that prevent it working, focusing on getting the XML::Parser Makefile.PL to recognize that the binary libs are installed.
In the mean time though, here is a MUCH simpler workaround for getting XML::Parser installed.
1. Download the "vanilla package" zip file for Expat.
2. Move the zip file to the C:/strawberry/c/ and extract it there.
3. Start the CPAN shell and run the following
> look XML::ParserThis will drop you into a subshell in the XML::Parser build directory.
die <<'Expat_Not_Installed;';...with this...
warn <<'Expat_Not_Installed;';5. Run "perl Makefile.PL; make; make test; make install" as normal for a CPAN module.
Re:You know...
Alias on 2008-01-16T09:13:44
That would indeed be interesting, since Strawberry has PAR::Dist in it already.Re:You know...
tsee on 2008-01-16T15:55:08
Damn. I just recently cleaned up old stuff as I was retiring the server I built it on.
However, for non Perl-module-.par's, it wen basically as follows:
- Build the lib using mingw, possibly sh.
- Put the lib in a zip under a certain directory
- Install it with a small PAR::Dist based script which set custom installation targets for that directory in the.par.
I can probably still find a copy of the installation script somewhere. (This is all related to the old external-library-handling musing of mine on the wiki.)
This brings some memories back: I had built that.par manually because you'd need XML::Parser or so for using PAR::Dist::InstallPPD (and ::InstallPPD::GUI). When you'd gotten that working, you could just select almost any .ppd file from any PPM repository and install it without having the PPM software at all. Hijacking++ ;)
Oh, and that gives me yet another idea: Use PAR::Dist::FromPPD to generate a.par from some XML::Parser PPM package floating around. (For example
Note how this is a bootstrapping process. You need XML::Parser to use::FromPPD. I suppose you could do it under Linux where installing XML::Parser is a breeze.
PS: I tried it on linux. I had to download the ppm manually beacuse of our proxy, however.
$ ppd2par -u XML-Parser.ppd -n XML-Parser -p 5.10.0 --sp 5\.10
Successfully created binary distribution 'XML-Parser-2.36-MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.10.0.par'.