"Final" set of C libraries for Strawberry Perl

Alias on 2007-11-18T05:21:38

After wrestling with C libraries, I've come up with the final set of C-related CPAN modules I'll be supporting out the box for Strawberry Perl 5.10.0.

The C libraries are zlib, bzlib2, iconv, libxml2 and SQLite (including CPAN::SQLite).

libxslt crashes pexports.

expat is too complex for the moment.

Chris Williams is trying to get a pre-built gmp as a last minute addition, which may or may not get in.

In order to meet my "November 2007" deadline, I've started to final leap to integrate 5.10.0 Release Candidate 1 into Strawberry, and the auto-generation of the Inno Setup configuration file.

Progress continues...

If you really want another library

Alias on 2007-11-18T05:58:15

I should note that if people can pre-build me whatever files need to go into the three bin/lib/include directories, without any processing needed, I can fairly easily add it.

But I won't be struggling with any additional unless I get some extra time.

What about non-bundled libraries and includes?

srezic on 2007-11-18T08:47:37

If I would add other libraries and includes to be usable for strawberry-perl, should I put them under \strawberry-perl\mingw\{lib,include,bin}? Or should it be another directory, maybe strawberry-perl\mingw\local\{lib,include,bin}?

Re:What about non-bundled libraries and includes?

Alias on 2007-11-19T01:25:00

Straight into the main directory is fine

So C:\strawberry-perl\mingw\{lib,include,bin} would be the correct location.

(or the equivalent C:\strawberry\c\{lib,include,bin} in the next release)

gmp files committed

BinGOs on 2007-11-18T11:08:44

I've just committed the headers and libraries for gmp-4.2.1 compiled with MinGW.


Re:gmp files committed

Alias on 2007-11-19T01:28:49

What is the correct build order for this?

gmp --> Math::???? --> Math::BigInt?

For the toolchainy stuff, I have to hand-craft the build order for these dists.

Re:gmp files committed

BinGOs on 2007-11-19T08:06:53

gmp is necessary for Math::BigInt::GMP

Re:gmp files committed

Alias on 2007-11-19T10:40:42

So I'm going to take that as meaning the install order is Math::BigInt, then gmp, then Math::BitInt::GMP, unless you reply otherwise.

Unrelated: Archive-Zip co-maintainership

Shlomi Fish on 2007-11-18T17:09:12

Hi Adam! This is unrelated to this particular post, but I need you to make me an Archive-Zip co-maintainer, so I can close bugs in the RT queue. Otherwise, I won't be effective in my work on it.

I tried to reach you by email, but you didn't reply, and tried to find you on IRC, but couldn't, so posting this message was my only resort.

Re:Unrelated: Archive-Zip co-maintainership

Alias on 2007-11-19T01:22:41


Re:Unrelated: Archive-Zip co-maintainership

Shlomi Fish on 2007-11-19T09:49:22



jk2addict on 2007-11-18T18:33:18

Please, for the love of all thet is holy, if you're going to include DBD::SQLite, please include this patch:



Alias on 2007-11-19T00:14:54

Will do.


jk2addict on 2007-11-19T00:50:29

You're my hero! :-)