With my repository working again and PPI 1.200 release, the next project I hope to catch up on is Strawberry Perl.
I think this has taken on particular importance now because of the Perl Survey results, which showed that about 50% of Perl users have used Windows in the last year, but only 5% of Perl users ONLY used Windows.
When comparing Strawberry Perl and ActivePerl it's fairly clear to me that ActivePerl is the best distribution for Windows-only developers and Strawberry is better for cross-platform developers.
I'd just never realised how dominant the cross-platform case was compared to the Windows-only case. I'd always thought that the Windows-only case was dominant.
Before I changed jobs recently and got distracted by writing the repository manager, my previous "train project" was to update and refactor the modules (Perl::Dist::Strawberry and friends) that are used to generate the Vanilla and Strawberry Perl distributions
I've managed to remove most of the bit-rot and I've cleaned up the codebase a bit.
To make things a bit easier for myself, I've moved the modules into my repository for now, and I'll be starting incremental releases (of the modules).
From there, I want to try and get another (beta) release of Strawberry Perl 5.8.8 out before 5.10.0.
I'd also like to try and upgrade the Vanilla/Strawberry Perl website at the same time, as I've had a few people emailing me asking if it was dead when that is anything but the situation.